Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Clayton Eshleman and Cesar Ferreira  Short Discussion  Vallejo Poetry Reading - Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee. December 6, 2006 
 2. Clayton Eshleman and Cesar Ferreira  Short Discussion  Vallejo Poetry Reading - Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee. December 6, 2006 
 3. Matt Adams & Keith Gottschalk  Short Show for GG's Short Shrift  I Read The News Today, Oh Boy! 
 4. Matt Adams & Keith Gottschalk  Short Show for GG's Short Shrift  I Read The News Today, Oh Boy! 
 5. Girls in Hawaii  short song for a short mind  From Here to Nowhere  
 6. e-rock  short mix to start a short month   
 7. Gregory Corso  Discussion  Reading at Brooklyn College; March 4, 1991 
 8. Jeffrey Ethan Lee  Discussion 3  Poetic Brooklyn / NY , Jun-6-2004 
 9. Finkelstein and Shapiro  Discussion  Finkelstein and Shapiro Reading at KWH 
 10. Finkelstein and Shapiro  Discussion  Finkelstein and Shapiro Reading at KWH 
 11. erica kaufman and Reb Livingston  Discussion  Emergency Reading Series, November 15, 2007 
 12. erica kaufman and Reb Livingston  Discussion  Emergency Reading Series, November 15, 2007 
 13. Jeffrey Ethan Lee  Discussion 2  Poetic Brooklyn / NY , Jun-6-2004 
 14. Paul Fabozzi, Jeremy Sigler, and Kaegan Sparks  Discussion on  Lines of Regression, 
 15. Jeffrey Ethan Lee  Discussion  Poetic Brooklyn / NY , Jun-6-2004 
 16. Bernstein, Reed, Delaney  Discussion  Hart Crane Tribute 
 17. Jerome Rothenberg  discussion  Radio Readings Project / 04-24-99 
 18. Jeffrey Ethan Lee  Discussion 3  Poetic Brooklyn / NY , Jun-6-2004 
 19. Adrienne Rich  Discussion  Kelly Writers House UPenn, Philadelphia, PA: April 19, 2005 
 20. Scott Mills  HIV Discussion  BBC Radio 1 
 21. Nina Nastasia And Jim White  Our Discussion  You Follow Me 
 22. Prof. Hamilton & Heading Out  Oil Discussion 4-29-06  Northern Alliance Radio Network 
 23. Bernstein, Reed, Delaney  Discussion  Hart Crane Tribute 
 24. Prof. Hamilton & Heading Out  Oil Discussion 4-29-06  Northern Alliance Radio Network 
 25. Alfred Wong  Discussion  The Veritas Forum at UCLA 
 26. Dagfinn Føllesdal, Bruna de Marchi, Merle Jacob and Ian Hacking  Discussion  Holberg Prize Symposium 2009: Ian Hacking 
 27. Roy Masters  Be Still and Know - Discussion  Be Still and Know 
 28. Dagfinn Føllesdal, Bruna de Marchi, Merle Jacob and Ian Hacking  Discussion  Holberg Prize Symposium 2009: Ian Hacking 
 29. Cris Cheek  Discussion  Suddenly Everyone Began Reading Aloud, 10-11-07 
 30. Jeffrey Ethan Lee  Discussion  Poetic Brooklyn / NY , Jun-6-2004 
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